Performance Evaluation/Reflection

Well that’s it folks my show is complete! Crazy! I have had a blast of a time, and I’m proud of what I have created so let us have a little reflection on my performance and the experience.


First things first I feel like I underestimated the toll holding a giant cake would be. I held it for a good 10 minutes. I had been practising in studio one carrying that for usually 5 minutes as I presumed this would be ok but I underestimated how long the audience would take collecting the cake. Due to this, I decided to improvise and make this a feature of my show. I could audibly hear the audience say “How is he holding that cake”. So I thought I would make a deal of this and come out of the cake crawling out saying “You have no idea how heavy this is” and I was audibly gasping. I feel this worked as it relaxed me as well as building a connection between me and the audience. In consideration of having an audience, this worked as it pushed me through to perform better. Hearing the audience put me at ease but also made me want to perform better.


I also found when creating my show in the performance the humour made the hard-hitting stuff more powerful. I had made a connection with the audience, and I and the audience had a bond, and this made it easier for me to perform my ending but also I feel made it emotional and meaningful for the audience and myself.


I also found having images to support my text worked perfectly. Having the audience engaged in multiple places in my space kept them intrigued and emotionally invested. It also built nicely to my ending with my running. The three beautiful things of running the voiceover and the projection worked in unison.


I would change only one thing from my current show, and that would build it and not make the shift from crazy funny to serious so quick as it happened so suddenly. It was vital for it to be included but if I were to do it again, I would still have it included just slowly build to that moment rather than such a dramatic shift.

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